Greetings, readers!
As this is the first post of this blog, I wanted to take a brief moment to outline what this blog is and what it is not.
Firstly, I am a Christian. As such, my choice to follow Jesus informs my decisions in life. For the purposes of this blog, it simply means that there is some content I will choose not to review. I want to review a large range of films and TV here, but there are certain cases where I will draw a boundary line. To put it another way, I might review the occasional Christian film or documentary, but you're unlikely to find anything from people like Seth Rogen here.
Secondly, I will not be using a traditional ratings system, as I find them problematic in judging the true quality of a film. The five-star system is flawed at best. What is the criteria of a star? What makes the difference between a 3.5 and a 4? In my experience, I've gotten far more entertainment out of a three star movie than many that scored four or above. The more binary thumbs-up/thumbs-down approach is one I respect, but again, I find it unsatisfactory. It is difficult to call any given movie all good or all bad. Most films have their good points and their bad points, thus I have chosen to simply state my opinions, and let you, the reader, decide your own opinions when you see it for yourself.
Finally, I urge you not to take anything you read here too seriously. I am not by any means a professional film critic. I'm just a regular guy who watches a lot of movies and TV shows. A difference of opinion is healthy, as long as it's stated in a civil way, so feel free to comment if you disagree with any of my thoughts here. After all, if everyone thought Johnny Depp was the greatest actor of all time, we would have precious little to talk about, right?
I hope my reviews and observations will provide you with good information, and perhaps open you up to new experiences in entertainment, as well as create a place to discuss the films we love.
Your cinematic advisor,
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